Making a new libmap.conf for linux emulation

Sereno Ternullo serenoternullo at
Mon Jun 4 22:54:20 UTC 2007

Hi all, 
I made too many mistakes configuring my /etc/libmap.conf file and now 
I'm having problems with my "linux sub system".

If I have linux.ko loaded into the kernel, ldconfig fails like this:

[root at FreeBSD /etc]# ldconfig
Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)

With linux.ko loaded into the kernel, 
if I try to start /compat/linux/bin/bash

bash works fine, but if I try to start skype, this is what I get

[sereno at FreeBSD /usr/home/sereno]$ skype_bin
skype_bin: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/ ELF file OS 
ABI invalid

Can anyone tell me the lines I'm missing on my libmap.conf ?

Thank you in advance, 
Sereno Ternullo. 

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