Can't burn cds

Paul Schmehl pauls at
Fri Jul 27 02:34:00 UTC 2007

--On July 26, 2007 2:34:23 PM -0700 Bruce Caruthers 
<bkc-freebsdlists at> wrote:
> Well, I'm using 6.2-RELEASE/amd64, and I get those same
> "Input/ouput error" messages.  However, the discs I have
> burned all worked fine, so I've assumed it was just
> something the program tries to test for or request info
> on, but can continue without.
> Have you checked whether the burned discs actually work?
They're not being burned at all.  After the ioctl error message, the 
program returns to the prompt.

Paul Schmehl (pauls at
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas

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