lang/php5 port present no options within sysinstall

Balin Hansen balin.hansen at
Thu Jul 19 00:25:06 UTC 2007

I figured out that doing "make config" in /usr/ports/lang/php5 would bring
up the screen the handbook was referring to. I'm guessing perhaps that
somehow sysinstall sets that configuration for me automatically. eg: when I
install apache web server I would assume that sysinstally would set the
option to build mod_php. I was given the impression that I had to build
apache and php5 from source which is something I'd be willing to do but like
I was hinting at in my previous message I remember a time when sysinstall
would just sort of do it all for me. Then again, I think that might have
been through some apache+mod_php type package available in a previous


On 7/17/07, Lowell Gilbert <freebsd-questions-local at> wrote:
> "Balin Hansen" <balin.hansen at> writes:
> > According to your handbook under the Apache HTTP Server section
> sysinstall
> > is supposed to present me with an OPTIONS menu when I try to install
> > lang/php5 but it never has and I've been pulling my hair out
> > trying reinstall from scratch, etc. I noticed that I can build php from
> > /usr/ports/lang/php5 but I remember a time when adding mod_php to an
> apache
> > install wasn't nearly this complicated. Any thoughts?
> You probably set the options already.  Try "make config" and see "man
> ports" for a more detailed explanation.  [Your explanation isn't clear
> enough for me to understand exactly what you're trying to do, so my
> advice is unfortunately general.]

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