proftpd vs PAM authentication

Hartleigh Burton hburton at
Tue Jul 17 04:15:27 UTC 2007

Thanks for the prompt reply Beech.


On 17/07/2007, at 1:41 PM, Beech Rintoul wrote:

> On Monday 16 July 2007, Hartleigh Burton said:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am relatively new to FreeBSD and have what I hope is a simple
>> question regarding proftpd and PAM authentication.
>> I have just installed proftpd via the available port, and after
>> installation a message was returned saying:
>> ###
>> Make sure you have the following lines in your PAM configuration
>> file so that ProFTPd's PAM module can authenticate users correctly.
>> ftpd auth    required         try_first_pass
>> ftpd account required         try_first_pass
>> ftpd session required
>> ###
>> After reading into this I am confused as to where exactly I should
>> be entering this information. According to the proftpd README file,
>> in FreeBSD it likes to get this information from /etc/pam.conf,
>> whereas LINUX looks in /etc/pam.d/ftp, and what topped it off for
>> me is the / etc/pam.d/ftpd file.
>> Where is the best place to have this configuration information; is
>> it required considering there is already lines in /etc/pam.d/ftp;
>> if required should I overwrite /etc/pam.d/ftp or append to the
>> beginning/ end of the file?
>> I hope there is enough information here for someone to help. Any
>> help provided is greatly appreciated in advance ;)
> Actually that isn't required anymore and is a holdover from earlier
> versions. The pam configuration for ftpd is in /etc/pam.d/ftpd and
> already contains the required entries. I should probably just remove
> it to avoid confusion.
> Beech - Proftpd Maintainer
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