10Mbps versus 100Mbps Cable Modems

David Kelly dkelly at hiwaay.net
Thu Jul 12 16:11:10 UTC 2007

On Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 11:21:50AM -0400, fbsd2 wrote:
> Am I missing some thing here? 
> I though 10Mbps/100Mbps ends up controlling the 
> max packet size traveling over the internet.

Yes, you are missing something.

> So if your using 10Mbps, you end up generating 10 separate packets
> versus 1 packet at 100Mbps to move the same amount of data.

No, MTU stays the same. Jumbo packet support is popular for gigabit
ethernet but MTU is generally limited to 1500 for external internet

David Kelly N4HHE, dkelly at HiWAAY.net
Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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