nfs mount rw

WarrenHead warrenhead at
Wed Jan 24 20:00:55 UTC 2007

Vince schreef:
> so not sure where you got that from.
Hi Vince,

Well, I got that from numerous man pages through google. One of the 
first ten results of 'man exports' was even a link to 
But, now I see on the server that the man page there really is 
different. A difference then between linux and bsd I guess.
> Shoudl be rw by default. who doesnt have writing access?
Should it be? Well, it isn't right now. My own user account under ubuntu 
doesn't have write access by default, nor does root.
>  are the unix
> permissions on both sides correct,
I'm not using nis (yet), so perhaps that is what is needed here? I never 
used nfs before, if that wasn't totally obvious. :-)
The exports syntax shown in the local man page is helping me out. The 
options are all working, -mapall is usefull, but what I really want is 
the 'rw by default' bit. So that each user can create files and get 
their own uid:gid accordingly.
If NIS is the answer here, I would not be surprised. Could it be?

Thanks, Warren

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