SV: fortune

Tim Nilimaa tim at
Fri Jan 12 14:29:19 UTC 2007

okey I have:
-bash-3.00$ locate fortune
[End Of Locate]
Nice I thought, "fortune lies under /usr/share/games" and so I tried to run it.
-bash-3.00$ /usr/share/games/fortune
-bash: /usr/share/games/fortune: is a directory

"Do'h a la Homer".. well well better look inside...
-bash-3.00$ ls -la /usr/share/games/fortune/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Mar  5  2005 ./
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  512 Mar  5  2005 ../

do'h again.
okey, lets look at the src-path.. nothing there =/
Installed the src with sysinstall.. Wee =)
but then -> 
bash-3.00# whoami
bash-3.00# pwd
bash-3.00# make install
===> fortune
install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   fortune /usr/games
install: fortune: No such file or directory
*** Error code 71
Stop in /usr/src/games/fortune/fortune.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/src/games/fortune.

Any ideas?
Kind regards


Från: owner-freebsd-questions at genom Gerard Seibert
Skickat: fr 2007-01-12 15:01
Till: User Questions
Ämne: Re: fortune

On Friday January 12, 2007 at 08:33:08 (AM) Tim Nilimaa wrote:

> Im not able to run fortune on my freeBSD 5.3 installation, and I know
> why - since its not installed and thats where I step into trouble. Im
> not able to install it. I've searched the portscollection and asked Mr.
> Google but none of them knows it (in other words I don't know how to ask
> the question right since Mr. Google and the (holy) handbook knows it all).

OK, I think I can assist you. First, I assume you have tried
        which fortune
to insure that it is not actually installed. It is usually in

I thought that the files were installed it with the base system. The
files are located in

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