Use of CVS

Dak Ghatikachalam dghatikachalam at
Fri Jan 12 01:07:08 UTC 2007

afaik, branching off for the minor changes would be thest way to go. so you
could merge back these changes into main line easily. that is the way normal
devel cycle

or you could establish minor and major and merge them upon completion.

On 1/11/07, Doug Hardie <bc979 at> wrote:
> I have a medium sized application where the source is all in a CVS
> repository.  Basically it works great as I am able to retrieve any
> previous version of a module when needed.  Most of the changes to the
> application are quickly resolved, CVS committed and the production
> system updated in less than a day.  Recently, I made a fairly large
> update to the application that took about 4 weeks to complete.
> During that time I was not able to fix small problems as there was no
> way to update the production system without incorporating a large
> number of changes from the new update that were just not working
> yet.  Basically all small corrections were made to the new system but
> not incorporated into the production system until the new stuff was
> completed.  There were no real problems from this, but it was not
> really convenient.
> Now I am going to be embarking on a revision that will take about 6
> months to complete.  Obviously I will not be able to wait till the
> completion to fix minor problems.  So I am going to need to do
> something with branches.  I have dug through the man pages and
> believe that is the best approach.  However, given that I need to
> maintain the current version with a probably small number of fixes
> during the development process what is the best approach?  Should I
> branch off the production version as a new branch and keep the main
> one for the new development or the other way around.  Will it be
> easier to merge the fixes to the production branch back in to the new
> system later or should those fixes be made to both branches at the
> same time?  Any suggestions on these approaches will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -- Doug
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