services file question

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at
Mon Feb 26 16:19:30 UTC 2007

Steel City Phantom <scphantm at> writes:

> I have been trying to figure out an issue with my newest bsd server.
> i am trying to get jboss to run but nothing outside of the local
> machine can access it.  i have been working on this for a while and
> am completely out of ideas except for one, but i need a little
> information before i start playing
> according to tcpdump when another machine goes to ip:8080 to access
> jboss, the packet does not even reach the box.  all i can think of
> next is the services file.  in order for bsd to allow traffic on a
> specific port, does it have to be listed in the services file?


Are you running some kind of firewall?  
Does the *other* machine confirm that the packet actually hits the wire?

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