Freebsd filesystem ( hard reboot )

NetOpsCenter noc at
Thu Dec 6 17:05:05 PST 2007

Randy Ramsdell wrote:
> Vince wrote:
>> Randy Ramsdell wrote:
>>> We started using FreeBSD for some network monitoring, but have found
>>> that a hard reboot forces us to answer filesytem questions on boot. Is
>>> there a way to mount each filesystem without this? Or how can we use
>>> FreeBSD in a remote location without needing to intervene in
>>> situatutions like this?
>> This is unusual in my experience, part of the charm of FreeBSD for me is
>> how rarely I have had to interact with fsck thanks to the whole
>> background fsck thing. What version of FreeBSD are you using?
>> Assuming a 5.x or later since you say you've started to use FreeBSD.
> I am fairly sure it is v6.2
>> What is the value of background_fsck in /etc/rc.conf ?
> This isn't set. Was is supposed to be? So far, I have only installed 
> applications we need. And everything seem fine except the reboot 
> issue. This will be an offsite system so I do not want human 
> intervention on boot for power outages or hard reboots.
>> You can also try setting fsck_y_enable="YES" in rc.conf (this will do
>> fsck -y if the initial preen fails.)
> I will use this. Do you mean by try, that this will work? I assume so.
> Thanks Vince!
> Oh, Is there a way to not receive 2 messages for every reply to this 
> thread?
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Questions on a FreeBSD reboot?   Any boxes I have ever built can reboot 
by themselves with no human intervention. BUT SEE BELOW:

This sounds like a BIOS settings issue on a box that has powered off.

~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
  + + + noc at +
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