keyboard layout change in Xorg 7.2

Michael Nottebrock lofi at
Mon Aug 6 07:26:27 PDT 2007

Novembre schrieb:
> I have Xfce 4.4.1_1 on top of 7.2 running on FreeBSD
> 6.2-RELEASEinstalled on a Pentium III-S
> 1.4GHz machine.
> The problem is that the ALT keys are not working when using XkbLayout option
> in xorg.conf when I put the following lines in /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
> Option     "XkbLayout"     "us,ir"
> Option     "XkbOptions"    "grp:alt_shift_toggle"
> With these options, single ALT keys do not work, and I mean not just in
> changing the keyboard layout, but anywhere! For example, ALT-TAB which
> should change the current window does not work anymore. I have found out
> that in this case, i.e. using XkbLayout option, if I press both ALT keys at
> the same time, it'll do work! So, LEFTALT-RIGHTALT-TAB changes the current
> window, and LEFTALT-RIGHTALT-SHIFT changes the layout. I have no idea why,
> and I see no reason why, since I told X that the layout needs to be changed
> when I press only ONE of the ALT keys (and I have not mentioned which one,
> so both should be okay) and the SHIFT key. It's very troublesome, and I
> don't want to hold down both ALTs instead of just one of them. The same
> setting used to work when I was using Xfce 4.2 on top of 6.9.
> Any ideas?
Are you running the latest version of the x11/xkeyboard-config port
(1.0_1)? The most recent update fixed a number of isses related to
keyboard layouts. (See

   ,_,   | Michael Nottebrock               | lofi at
 (/^ ^\) | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve     |
   \u/   | K Desktop Environment on FreeBSD |

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