Xfce + Xorg 6.9.0 with Compositor == SUPER buggy ?

Frank Staals frankstaals at gmx.net
Thu Sep 7 09:58:41 PDT 2006

I recently decided to have some fun with the latest Xfce release ( or 
well; when I installed it it was, at the moment there is an RC1 ) and 
composite stuff. Allthough what I found out was that xfwm4 crashed when 
I enabled transparency for inactive windows and moved some aterms 
around. So my question was if someone else is running Xfce 4.4 beta and 
has the same problems ? And if someone has a solusion for it. I guess 
that the xorg port is the weakest link ATM. I can't imagine people 
actually using such composite settings when the wm crashes every 15 
minutes ... so I asume it runs better with xorg7.  So a sort of second 
question would be: is there an easy way of installing, but as important 
deinstalling, Xorg7 ?

Thanks in advance,

-Frank Staals

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