Java JRE (latest) | Mozilla 2

probsd org probsdorg at
Thu Nov 23 11:34:57 PST 2006

Alex Zbyslaw <xfb52 at> wrote: probsd org wrote:

>Hey group. I'm using the latest Firefox2 (non-linux) and have the latest diablo-jre15 port installed. I'm finding that the plugin for firefox causes firefox to freeze consistently. For example, when accessing myspace, as soon as I click on Myspace's mail link firefox will freeze immediately everytime. When I turn javascript off in firefox then all works fine (except to send mail in myspace you have to have javascript enabled).
>I tried the FreeBSDfoundations JRE package but it said it required a  past version javawrapper.
java and javascript are completely unrelated(*) so updating Java is 
unlikely to fix a problem if it's source is, as you think, javascript.


(*) It is quite possible for java and javascript to interact, and this 
has been an area of great inconsistency and numerous timing bugs in 
many, many browsers over the years, but nothing you've said points to 
java being used at all.

Firefox2 lets you disable java (as opposed to javascript) so you could 
try that and see if that helps, but it seems like a shot in the dark 
with too little info to me.

OK, it looks like it's a javascript issue. With JAVA loaded myspace works fine. With javascript loaded firefox freezes.

I'm guessing this is myspace's issue.

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