I don't see anything to answer my question
Jerry McAllister
jerrymc at msu.edu
Wed Nov 22 08:16:08 PST 2006
On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 07:05:53PM -0600, illoai at gmail.com wrote:
> On 11/21/06, Jerry McAllister <jerrymc at msu.edu> wrote:
> >On Mon, Nov 20, 2006 at 09:38:26PM -0500, rickie lyman wrote:
> >
> >> I am a newbee and sometimes Dizzy too. My question is I have a computer
> >that
> >> has a rather large drive but it is all formated in NTFs and yes it has XP
> >> Pro on it how would I be able to put Free BSD on there without loosing
> >the
> >> files I have with the other operating system?? I told you that I was
> >> confused.
> >
> >First, is there plenty of empty space on that disk. If you have
> >used up all the space with something, then you can't do it on that
> >disk. You will have to add one.
> >
> >But, more than likely, you haven't used up the space - there is probably
> >lots, more than half still unfilled. So, then, no problem.
> >
> >You will have to use some utility to shrink the existing NTFS file
> >system on the drive.
> >
> >As far as I know, there are no freeware utilities that will do this
> >for NTFS. The ones that come with FreeBSD will handle fat and fat32
> >just fine, but not NTFS.
> A quick Gogol* led me to this:
> http://www.linuxmigration.com/quickref/install/disk.html
> Which mentions Man-drake 9.1 (& therfor is of dubious
> currency: http://www.mandriva.com/ ), though one might
> assume that many of thee Torvaldsians's so-called "distros"
> might do similarly. In other words: try a linux live CD/DVD.
> I would try knoppix, because I have a CD, except that I do
> not have an NTFS anything handy to test it myself.
> Otherwise, McAllister's writeup is sound, sane, and probably
> as in-depth as you can hope for.
> *http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=resize+ntfs
Mentions various Linux ways to do it, but I suspect that the poster
who wants to install FreeBSD might not be interested in first installing
some Linux - which would take some partition manipulation and then
doing the FreeBSD install. Of course, maybe he can set up a SUSE
live CD and do it. I think Suse might also claim to be able to do
the resizing during install. But, that still means doing two systems
to get one. Is that better than getting a cheap utility -- maybe,
who knows.
Google also pops up an add for 'Partition Commander 10 which claims
to be able to resize NTFS on a live system even without even a reboot.
It's price seems to be $10 or $20 less than Partition Magic so it
might be interesting, but I haven't used it so can't verify.
> --
> --
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