FreeBSD date drifts significantly

Kevin Kinsey kdk at
Tue Nov 21 12:53:31 PST 2006

Neil Short wrote:
> my FreeBSD date drifts out of sync with the system
> date.
> When I set it, it is absolutely correct and matches
> the system (CMOS) date. I then reboot and - shezam!
> it's jumped 12 hours forward. Reboot again - another
> 12 hour jump ... until the FreeBSD date is about 2 and
> a half days beyond today's date - and the CMOS date.
> When I set up the system I said that the system clock
> is NOT set to UTC - but just to be sure, I went back
> into sysinstall and re-set the time zone the same way
> (MST - Arizona).
> I suspect this has something to do with maybe the
> server that is synchronizing my time; but I don't
> recall how to synchronize my time with an up-stream
> server. Can't find documentation on it either.
> Any pointers?

Hi, Neil!

Could you tell us something about the system's hardware, your FreeBSD 
version, and in particular, the output of `sysctl -a | grep timecounter` 
run as root?

IIRC, some (older) processors had troubles similar to what you seem to 
be describing, when used with certain values of 
"kern.timecounter.hardware".  You might experiment with setting 
"kern.timecounter.hardware" equal to each of the other values given in 
"kern.timecounter.choice" and seeing if the problem rectifies itself 
(or, possibly, becomes worse).  YMMV, of course ;-)


Kevin Kinsey

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