Opera and FreeBSD
Anna Rajsman
annara at opera.com
Mon Nov 20 05:26:12 PST 2006
Hi again,
I would like to apologize for the confusion I caused on Friday.
Please read my explanation in my blog:
Once again I am very sorry!
Best regards,
On Fri, 17 Nov 2006 22:43:31 +0100, Bakul Shah <bakul at bitblocks.com> wrote:
> "Ion-Mihai "IOnut" Tetcu" <itetcu at FreeBSD.org> writes:
>> "Anna Rajsman" <annara at opera.com> wrote:
>> > We would like to ask you if you would like to distribute the
>> > Opera browser with your OS? Or maybe you are doing it already?
>> > Would you like to sign a distribution agreement with Opera?
>> Opera is in our ports framework, both the native version and the linux
>> version (both maintainers CC'ed). I don't know offhand if we distribute
>> the binaries on our CD images; from reading the licence I don't see the
>> any requirement to have a signed agreement for this, but if this is not
>> the case please let me know.
>> I am using Opera as my primary browser since v3 or something, but I am
>> a little disappointed the the problems we're seeing on FreeBSD are
>> rarely addressed. And indeed the binaries you're producing are for
>> FreeBSD 4.x and 5.x while we will release 6.2 in a month.
> Speaking as a very happy Opera user, anything we can do to
> improve our (FreeBSD's) relationship with Opera is a huge win
> for us both. If it takes a signed agreement to make that
> relationship "official", I am all for it. Also, I hope that
> will result in improved support for the FreeBSD version of
> Opera and in turn we can provide testing, feedback, etc. to
> Opera.
> For me firefox-2.0 is still nowhere near as good as Opera and
> I'd like to see Opera get even better! Also, on FreeBSD the
> FreeBSD version uses less resources than the linux version.
> More generally I think we ought to get into such agreements
> with more companies. Particularly companies like Adobe as
> Flash is getting more and more pervasive (I understand that
> moving big comapnies can be very hard which is why we should
> first embrace as many smaller companies as we can and loudly
> proclaim such agreements on www.freebsd.org).
Anna Rajsman, Marketing and Sales Assistant
Tel: +47 2416 4354, mailto:Anna.Rajsman at opera.com
Opera Software ASA, http://www.opera.com
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