Opera-9.02 crash, 6.2-PRERELEASE

Armin Arh armin at pubbox.net
Mon Nov 13 03:37:22 UTC 2006


I just installed Opera-9.02 from ports, and it crashes...

armin at lance opera
Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.' at line 87 in file /usr/src/lib/libpthread/thread/thr_spinlock.c (errno = 0)
Abort trap (core dumped)

armin at lance uname -a
FreeBSD lance.net.schlund.de 6.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE #8: Sun Nov 12 21:59:06 CET 2006     god at lance.net.schlund.de:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/LANCE  i386

any ideas?


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