Keyspan USB2Serial

Jason Lixfeld jason+lists.freebsd-questions at
Fri May 19 02:48:58 PDT 2006

On 18-May-06, at 11:55 PM, Norberto Meijome wrote:

> On Thu, 18 May 2006 22:09:50 -0400
> Jason Lixfeld <jason+lists.freebsd-questions at> wrote:
>> Is this supported?
>> ugen seems to pick it up:
>> ugen0: vendor 0x06cd product 0x0118, rev 1.00/80.01, addr 2
>> $ grep 0x06cd /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdevs
>> vendor KEYSPAN          0x06cd  Keyspan
>> $
>> But I can't seem to access it...
> Do you have ucom device in your kernel?


# egrep "ugen|ucom" /usr/src/sys/amd64/conf/RICKY
device          ugen            # Generic
device          ucom

> after you plug it in,  have you got any /dev/cua* ?


# ls -al /dev/cuad0
crw-rw----  1 uucp  dialer    0,  40 May 18 22:04 /dev/cuad0

But it is there regardless as to whether or not the adapter is  
plugged in.

>> Does/can it work?  If not, what vendor USB2Serial adapter do I need
>> to get?
> I use one based on the Prolific PL2303 chipset, Comsol brand.
> when plugged in I get:
> May 19 13:41:05 ayiin kernel: ucom0: vendor 0x067b product 0x2303, rev
> 1.10/2.02, addr 3
> and  gets added as /dev/cuaU0

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