pptpd with mpd

Oliver A. Rojo oliverrojo at anticogroup.com
Mon May 15 23:05:17 PDT 2006

idzuwan at gmail.com wrote:

> I think it would be better to monitor mpd via syslog it can be done by 
> doing:
> open /etc/syslog.conf and add:
> !mpd
> *.*                                             /var/log/mpd.log
> Then, restart syslogd:
> # touch /var/log/mpd.log
> # killall -HUP syslogd
> open /etc/newsyslog.conf and add:
> # logfilename          [owner:group]    mode count size when  flags
> /var/log/mpd.log                        644  4     100  *     J
> run "mpd -b" all the mpd error/status should be in /var/log/mpd.log 
> now, do tail -f /var/log/mpd.log and try connection if there and error 
> it should be displayed in the log
>>>> Ok here's the result:
>>>> #  ngctl shut ng0
>>>> ngctl: shutdown: No such file or directory
>>> "ngctl shut ng0:" please take note the semicolon dont leave it :)
>>> _______________________________________________
>> ok i just resolve the error but my windows client still could not 
>> connect. It says that the Remote Computer did not Respond.
here's the messge of mpd.log

May 16 14:05:31 leopard mpd: [pptp0] ppp node is "mpd4276-pptp0"
May 16 14:05:31 leopard mpd: [pptp0] using interface ng0
May 16 14:05:31 leopard mpd: [pptp0] this link has no type set


Oliver A. Rojo


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