
Jason Garrett kingedgar at gmail.com
Mon May 15 14:29:14 PDT 2006

On 5/15/06, Gary Kline <kline at tao.thought.org> wrote:
>         Can anybody offer some insights about an IM suite (ports/net-im)
>         called jwchat?  It looks like a useable way to chat, but I'm
>         having lots of troubles wiht getting it set up correctly.
>         My test setup is on sage.thought.org.  An immediate problem is that
>         when I point mozilla at "sage.thought.org/jwchat/ it takes quite
>         awhile to load, then all  that shows is an empty page.
>         Anybody??
>         gary
>         PS:  From looking at the apache logs, it looks like things are
>              going

http://jwchat.sourceforge.net  is where I started from and had a
succesful install within a day or so. It took some crafty apache
config sections but all in all it wasnt bad. Make sure you have a
jabber server though!

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