ASCII files becoming double lined

wc_fbsd at wc_fbsd at
Fri Mar 31 01:17:45 UTC 2006

>Vaaf wrote:
>>I pointed out a flaw in FreeBSD's methodology. The fact that it 
>>doesn't have one.
>I thought you were using DragonFlyBSD now. Why are you complaining 
>on this list then?

If there is one thing Vaaf does well, it's annoying all of you.  If 
you judge it based on the number of responses he's generated, he not 
just good, HE'S A FREAKING CHAMPION!  Go Vaaf!

Much as I hate to use the term, all the attention is just 
"empowering" him.  You know, like a bratty child.

What do you say we all just ignore him, and hope he goes away?


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