Why are so many people using 4.x?

DAve dave.list at pixelhammer.com
Wed Mar 29 18:19:41 UTC 2006

Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 28, 2006 at 05:11:05PM -0500, DAve wrote:
>>> Really you want to use 6.0 or 6.1 on any new system, simply because
>>> that's the modern, supported version of FreeBSD.
>>> Kris
>> I get frightened when something is no longer "modern" when it is less 
>> than a year old. http://www.freebsd.org/releases/5.4R/announce.html
>> Good reasons to recommend 6.X would be "bug FOO is fixed", "hardware FOO 
>> is now fully supported", "FOO is now a kernel module and can be unloaded 
>> or loaded at will", "disk performance is gazillion% better", etc.
> If it makes you happy, all of those things are also true.
> Kris

It would be nice to actually tell new users why 6.X is better wouldn't 
you think? Simply saying you should use it because it is new, is a page 
from RedHat's book.

So please don't be trite, it looks bad in the archives later when new 
users are searching for information. It also does little to answer the 
user's question. Better that new users get several descriptive answers 
to their query, even if the answers disagree, than to get cute remarks.

So to help him out, here are a few reasons you, Joseph Vella, should 
look into using 6.X over 4.X if you are still interested.


Of interest (IMO) is Jails, GEOM, and ACL. All of which I've seen 
mentioned several times on other lists. Users seem to be deploying these 
features a lot. I am sure there is more, but they would be features I am 
not following or currently have no use for.

I am impressed with GEOM, I have three new backup servers using gmirror 
and gstripe as a test and I am quite happy with it. Much easier than 
using vinum with 4.X if you need software mirroring.

Best of luck,


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