
Chris Maness chris at chrismaness.com
Wed Mar 29 13:59:35 UTC 2006

usleepless at gmail.com wrote:

>Hi Chris,
>>This is not current...  downlowd the latest 0.7.2_3
>are you out of your mind?
>why would i download a package you report as broken, while mine is working?
>i am trying my very best at helping you, but this is as far as it goes.
>if you are interested in the 0.7.2_1 version of the script, please let
>me know, i'll tar it and send it to you.
I'm not doing this to benifit myself.  I'm am trying to support the 
project as a whole.  Most of the things that you patched are already 
addressed in _3.  I don't understand why you would dry to work out bugs 
in something that is not current.  If we can fix the current tarball 
then send in patches it benifits everyone.

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