
Steven Lake steven.lake at
Sun Mar 26 20:02:01 UTC 2006

         Hmm, definitely useful, but not quite what I'm looking for.

At 01:40 PM 3/26/2006 -0500, Chris Hill wrote:
>On Sun, 26 Mar 2006, Steven Lake wrote:
>>         Hi all.  Ok, I'm having a total brain fart today.  I've got a 
>> few apps that won't run and I need to find out the list of dependencies 
>> and what they're missing.  But I can't remember for the life of me what 
>> the command I need is to view that list.  I remember using it once where 
>> it would list the dependencies and tell either where they existed, or if 
>> they didn't exist, what the missing file was.  Anyone remember that 
>> command?  Thanks.
>I use pkg_info -Rr <pkg_name>, where <pkg_name> is the exact name of the 
>package. The -Rr options will tell you what the package depends on, and 
>what depends on the package. To find the exact package name, I do (for 
>example) pkg_info | grep firefox, which returns:
>  firefox-,1 Web browser based on the browser portion of Mozilla
>...and the I know to do pkg_info -Rr firefox-,1
>Chris Hill               chris at
>**                     [ Busy Expunging <|> ]

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