File/directory encryption - recommendations

Drew cotharyus at
Sun Mar 26 03:10:13 UTC 2006

I am looking for a way to encrypt a directory and several subdirctories.
I've been looking into how best to do this, but I'm wading through quite a
lot of information, and thought this might be a good time to look for actual
experience with this, since there seem to be quite a few choices. First let
me go into a little detail of exactly what I'm requiring. Basicly, the
company I work for uses a jabber server for quick and dirty internal
communications. Because of my possition, some of my communications involve
data that is considered sensitive within the company. To protect this,
currently myself and others that require this type of security are using
Gaim-encryption modules. Of course, we like to keep records of our
conversations as well, which brings us to the log files for Gaim. Idealy, no
one but me would ever have access to my workstation. But, there's always
that outside chance. In order to further protect things that shouldn't be in
other peoples hands, I would like to encrypt these log directories. It would
be best if it could be done on the fly (cfs?) in a way that would allow
myself (and my copy of Gaim) to access, create, write, read, etc existing
and new files with as little hassle to myself as possible. That said,
reducing the hassle would appear to reduce security as well (anything
accessing it requiring a key might be going a bit far, but I am asking for
examples and suggestions), so maybe there's a middle ground. Certainly if
anyone managed to log in or connect to the machine somehow with anything but
my user ID I would want any data contained in those files to appear as
nonsense. Perferably, I would like that to happen if you try to access the
files without a key even logged in as me, barring some form of
once-per-session key entry.

So. Fire away. I'm all ears. Thanks in advance.


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