ports index broken, expat2 is too new for current apache2 on 5.4-STABLE

Brian Ross brian at visionn.com
Fri Mar 24 23:11:22 UTC 2006

Ok, I got myself into a spot here:

As I was trying to install Apache 2.2 from ports, I ran into its  
expat2 dependency, but it's at a version beyond the version my  
current version of apache is using. So I decided to just overwrite  
the old expat2 install not thinking (yes, I know, not good...) that  
it would affect much. It really hasn't but now I have apache 2.0.54  
complaining that I no longer have shared object support since apache  
was compiled with the older version of expat2 (1.95_8 or something  
like that).

In the process of all this, my ports index got corrupted and now I  
can't "make index" in /usr/ports. I also now have an expat install  
that is further along than the portsdb thinks it is. I get the  
following when I try to "make index" in /usr/ports:


notbrain at www: make index
Generating INDEX-5 - please wait../libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object  
"libexpat.so.5" not found, required by "httpd"
apxs:Error: Sorry, no shared object support for Apache.
apxs:Error: available under your platform. Make sure.
apxs:Error: the Apache module mod_so is compiled into.
apxs:Error: your server binary `/usr/local/sbin/httpd'..
"Makefile", line 126: warning: "/usr/local/sbin/apxs -q MPM_NAME"  
returned non-zero status
/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libexpat.so.5" not found,  
required by "httpd"
apxs:Error: Sorry, no shared object support for Apache.
apxs:Error: available under your platform. Make sure.
apxs:Error: the Apache module mod_so is compiled into.
apxs:Error: your server binary `/usr/local/sbin/httpd'..
"Makefile", line 126: warning: "/usr/local/sbin/apxs -q MPM_NAME"  
returned non-zero status
bricolage-1.10.0: "/usr/ports/devel/p5-Test-File-Contents" non- 
existent -- dependency list incomplete
===> www/bricolage failed
*** Error code 1
1 error


notbrain at www: portdowngrade expat2

portdowngrade 0.6 by Heiner Eichmann
Please note, that nothing is changed in the ports tree
unless it is explicitly permitted in step 6!

1 error
Seeking port expat2 ... not found


What's the best way for me to recover from this situation? My first  
try was to use portdowngrade to install an older expat2, but without  
INDEX-5, it can't find it (at least I think that's why). CVS to get  
the older expat2? (Any pointers, please help...) Anybody successfully  
running apache22 and apache2 alongside each other on 5.4-STABLE?

Any guidance is greatly appreciated!


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