clock drifts after upgrade from 5.x to 6.x

John Murphy sub02 at
Wed Mar 22 00:47:08 UTC 2006

Alfred Morgan <alfred.morgan at> wrote:

>   I have upgraded 4 different machines from various FreeBSD versions of
>   5 to various versions of 6 and 3 of the machines has a problem where
>   the clock will drift very quickly slowing about 2 seconds per minute.

   Interesting.  Were all the upgrades from versions less than 5.3
   I wonder? Reason I ask is that many people (including me) seem to
   have started having problems with ntp around that time.  There was
   a thread in the stable mailing list about it here:

   Perhaps the ntp problem is related to what you're seeing and not
   an ntp problem at all.  Someone raised a bug report at
   but it has had no action.

   Sorry it's only a hunch and not a solution.


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