Why doesn't Turn Off The Computer turn off the computer?

Robert Huff roberthuff at rcn.com
Tue Mar 21 03:40:50 UTC 2006

Malcolm Fitzgerald writes:

>  When I log out and select "Turn off the computer" it shuts down
>  the system and leaves the machinery running, displaying this
>  message:
>  "The operating system has halted.
>  Please press any key to reboot."
>  Pressing the power button fires up the system. I have to hold the
>  power button down for several seconds to get a forced power-off
>  or pull the plug.
>  How do I setup BSD so that the command at the login panel turns
>  the machine off?

	This is not (or not just) about FreeBSD, but about your BIOS.
	(All of my machines are set to ""Off" means "OFF!", damnit.".)

				Robert Huff

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