Disappointed with version 6.0

Alex Zbyslaw xfb52 at dial.pipex.com
Wed Mar 15 17:12:38 UTC 2006

Peter wrote:

>Right now I am running the 40 GB and the 200 GB IDE drives as master
>and slave on the primary controller and the CDROM as master on the
>secondary.  The USB and serial ports are working.  I concluded that the
>300 GB disk was bad so I am returning it.  Currently I can say the only
>problem I am experiencing is that the system will not come back up
>after a (simulated) power failure (I'm using a UPS) even though I tell
>it to do so in the BIOS.  Another point is that while in the BIOS the
>CPU temperature shows around 45 C which does not seem possible.
[I think I got some attributions wrong in my original reply. Apologies].

45 is awfully hot.  My norm is ~25 never even getting to 30, but I have 
a monster heatsink with a slow/quietish 120mm fan.  However, even an 
amd64 4000 with stock heatsink/fan doesn't get much above 40 for me at 
normal room temperatures.

There are only three possibilities 1) the BIOS is lying - quite possible 
and an update may fix that 2) the cooling in your case sucks (or doesn't 
suck enough :-))  3) the heatsink isn't making that good thermal 
contact, but that's painful to fix compared to 1 or 2.  You could check 
and see what sysutils/healthd reports.  It doesn't get all the volatges 
correct, but gets temps that, for me, reasonably match the BIOS and seem 
believable.  (mbmon doesn't, for me, recognise the monitoring chip on 
this board).  If you haven't done a BIOS update, that might help your 
power-up issues.  Have you looked at the ASUS support site?  It may not 
have anything useful, but again, you have to try.


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