Updating ports

Lisa Casey lisa at jellico.com
Tue Mar 14 19:46:56 UTC 2006

Hi Folks,

I might be a bit confused here. If so, I'm sure you'll tell me about it ;-)

I'm running FreeBSD 5.3. I want to update my ports. So I went to the FreeBSD 
handbook and started reading up on how to do that. According to what I read, 
I need to install cvsup then create a supfile. OK, so far so good. I  just 
now installed cvsup-without-gui  (I'm not running any kind of gui - this is 
a server).

I don't want to update my entire system from FreeBSD 5.3 to something else 
then do all the make world stuff (although it would be a good idea for me to 
learn how to do that someday - I just want to update my ports). I got 
started on this because I wanted to install webmin but I noticed that, in my 
ports collection the version of webmin is 1.150 whereas the current webmin 
port at Freshports is version 1.260_2.  I figured it would be a good idea 
just to go ahead and update my ports first before installing webmin so I 
could install the latest version from ports rather than downloading the 
tar.gz  and installing it that way.

Next I need the supfile. I took a look at 
/usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile (I think that's what I want) but 
that looks like something that is going to upgrade the entire system (as I 
said - probably a good idea but I just don't want to do that now, I just 
want to update my ports).

Can't I just update the ports without updating the entire system? If so, am 
I going about it the right way or am I just plain confused? If I am going 
about it the right way then I think there's something about the supfile that 
I obviously don't understand.

I'ld appreciate it if someone on this list could straighten out my thinking.


Lisa Casey

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