NIC and Jumbo Frames

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Mon Mar 13 22:24:02 UTC 2006

Sean Murphy writes:

>  What do I need to add to the rc.conf config line so that it sets up the 
>  mtu for jumbo 16128 bytes size and sets the speed from auto to 1000?  I 
>  have this so far...
>  ifconfig_em0="inet x.x.x.x  netmask x.x.x.x 1000baseTX"

	You can't: 16114 is the maximum frame size.  As for the rest,

	ifconfig_em0="inet x.x.x.x  netmask x.x.x.x media 1000baseTX mtu 16114"

					Robert Huff

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