Unable to build or update vcdimager

Gerard Seibert gerard at seibercom.net
Sun Mar 12 22:23:08 UTC 2006

Matthew D. Fuller wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 12, 2006 at 10:51:32PM +0900 I heard the voice of
> Norikatsu Shigemura, and lo! it spake thus:
> > +  to the latest versions.  Please remove the following entries
> > +  manually from $PREFIX/info/dir before upgrading them to
> > +  vcdimager-0.7.23_2 (and later) and dirmngr-0.9.3_2 (and later)
> > +  respectively.
> I don't think that's right.  I DID remove them.  The problem is that
> when doing the 'make install', the program's own installation process
> installs then, THEN the bsd.ports.mk's INFO= process tries to install
> them again and blows up.

I can confirm that (I think). I tried removing all of the info files I 
could find and still the install failed. The files I removed had been 
replaced however. I am, of course, assuming that I did in fact remove 
all of the correct files.

Gerard Seibert
gerard at seibercom.net

PGP: http://www.seibercom.net/sig/gerard.asc
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