coming back up after power failure (UPS)

fbsd_user fbsd_user at
Thu Mar 9 18:58:29 UTC 2006

> Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 01:37:21 +0200
> From: Ion-Mihai Tetcu <itetcu at>
> Subject: Re: coming back up after power failure (UPS)
> To: Peter <petermatulis at>
> Cc: freebsd-questions <freebsd-questions at>
> Message-ID: <20060309013721.3c523303 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:39:02 -0500 (EST)
> Peter <petermatulis at> wrote:
> > On an updated 5.4 box I am using Network UPS Tools (NUT) with an
> > Smart-UPS.
> >
> > All is going very well but I cannot bring my box back up after
> > simulating a power failure.  At the end of the shutdown the
> > shows:
> >
> > "Press any key to reboot"
> >
> > Obviously this is not the desired outcome.
> >
> > How can I get my system to go down completely?  Beyond this I
> > understand there may be some BIOS adjustments to be made.
> You should set up your UPS (via NUT) to kill power when you reach
> stage (and batteries are exhausted), and to restore power to the
> computer when the line power is back again. And set you BIOS to
> on or last state or what ever you BIOS is calling it.
> I can't say how to achieve this with NUT or if it's possible, but
> sure that sysutils/apcupsd can do it since I use (and maintain)
> port.

What happens if:

1) power fails
2) NUT detects this and halts the machine
3) power returns before batteries are exhausted

Will the machine sit forever waiting for someone to "Press any key
reboot" ?

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-freebsd-questions at
[mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at]On Behalf Of James Long
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 12:46 PM
To: freebsd-questions at; Ion-Mihai Tetcu; Peter
Subject: Re: coming back up after power failure (UPS)

Pre Y2K PC's had mechanical power on button which stayed in the "on
position" no matter what was happening with the line power. Those
pcs are what UPS units were first designed for, so after the UPS
does normal shutdown at power loss, pc will reboot when power comes
back on.

Newer PC's now have motherboard power control which goes to the
power off position on losing line power. Some of these pc's have
bios setting to deactivate this function so after line power loss
the pc will reboot on power return. This is common on motherboards
marketed for servers.

Motherboards marketed for home desktop pcs may not have this bios
option. You could open the box and cut the 2 wires leading from the
power on button and connect then together so the motherboard always
thinks the power on button is depressed. (do this at your own risk)

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