my bsd

martin at martin at
Mon Mar 6 15:00:26 UTC 2006

> I have install Free-BSD. Im writing my Logginname and
> password. After that nohting will happen. What shall I
> do than? Please help me!  gunnartoll at

What are you expecting to happen? I assume that you are faced with a
command prompt after you login (unless something has gone skwiffy), so
from there you just do what you need to do.

To make another presumption, are you expecting to see a GUI? Depending on
what options you selected, you may be able to start one up by typing
'startx' and hitting rturn after you logged in. If you want to have a
graphic prompt to login try the following steps (assuming that you are
hooked up to the internet, and you do not have xorg or kde installed)

   pkg_add -r  kde; pkg_add -r xorg
   ee /etc/tty

   change the line that reads 'ttyv8  "/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon' xterm
off secure' to 'ttyv8 "/usr/local/bin/kdm -nodaemon' xterm on secure'.
then reboot.

If that doesn't work, or any of my assumptions are incorrect, please give
more details, such as what you are expecting to see, what you are seeing,
options you choice during installation etc.


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