We want tu use your company name and logo

Ercan Pamuk ercan_pamuk at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 2 12:56:42 PST 2006

Esteemed competent,

I am Ercan Pamuk.I live in Turkey.I am a computer expert and a partner of 
the SkyTech computer which actives in Turkey.In our company we work on 
setting up the Linux systems and their technical supporting.

In our company we want to sell T-shirts,glasses,caps that are products of 
FreeBSD Linux which we give them system supporting in our company.We want to 
use Slackware FreeBSD Linux Logos at this products which we want to 
sell.This work plays a part in advertising you and your products.At the same 
time this work causes to be loved and used your products and also increases 
the requests of your products.

Is there a problem selling T-shirts,glasses,caps in Turkey by using your 
company name and logo?


Yours respectfully....

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