How are ppl running QEMU under FreeBSD 6.x .. ?

Marc G. Fournier scrappy at
Wed Mar 1 13:22:03 PST 2006

'k, I'm doing something wrong here, cause I just can't get it to run ...

I downloaded a netbsd img from oszoo, and type:

qemu <imagename>

and it just hangs ...

if I try it as:

qemu -nographic <imagename>

it Seg Faults ...

So, obviously I'm doing *something* wrong :(

If I run 'truss' on the first, I get a bunch of file not founds, or ioctl 

ioctl(0,CONS_MODEINFO,0xbfbfc070)                ERR#25 'Inappropriate ioctl for device'
ioctl(0,CONS_MODEINFO,0xbfbfc070)                ERR#25 'Inappropriate ioctl for device'
open("/dev/svga",0x0,00)                         ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
geteuid()                                        = 0 (0x0)
stat("/proc/bus/pci",0xbfbfc130)                 ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
open("/usr/local/etc/vga/libvga.config",0x0,0666) = 4 (0x4)
fstat(4,0xbfbfc070)                              = 0 (0x0)
fstat(4,0xbfbf7f70)                              = 0 (0x0)
break(0x9b1f000)                                 = 0 (0x0)
read(0x4,0x9b1e000,0x1000)                       = 4096 (0x1000)
read(0x4,0x9b1e000,0x1000)                       = 4096 (0x1000)
read(0x4,0x9b1e000,0x1000)                       = 4096 (0x1000)
read(0x4,0x9b1e000,0x1000)                       = 3984 (0xf90)
close(4)                                         = 0 (0x0)
open("/root/.svgalibrc",0x0,0666)                ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
open("/dev/io",0x0,00)                           = 4 (0x4)
fcntl(0,F_GETFD,0x280fe4a9)                      = 0 (0x0)
fcntl(1,F_GETFD,0x280fe4a9)                      = 0 (0x0)
fcntl(2,F_GETFD,0x280fe4a9)                      = 0 (0x0)
open("/dev/mem",0x2,00)                          = 5 (0x5)
fcntl(0,F_GETFD,0x1)                             = 0 (0x0)
fcntl(1,F_GETFD,0x1)                             = 0 (0x0)
fcntl(2,F_GETFD,0x1)                             = 0 (0x0)
fstat(0,0xbfbfc0e0)                              = 0 (0x0)
ioctl(0,VT_GETMODE,0xbfbfc038)                   ERR#25 'Inappropriate ioctl for device'
fstat(1,0xbfbfc0e0)                              = 0 (0x0)
ioctl(1,VT_GETMODE,0xbfbfc038)                   ERR#25 'Inappropriate ioctl for device'
fstat(2,0xbfbfc0e0)                              = 0 (0x0)
ioctl(2,VT_GETMODE,0xbfbfc038)                   ERR#25 'Inappropriate ioctl for device'
open("/dev/console",0x2,00)                      = 6 (0x6)
process exit, rval = 2


Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: scrappy at           Yahoo!: yscrappy              ICQ: 7615664

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