Problems recompiling kernel.

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at
Wed Mar 1 09:33:16 PST 2006

On 2006-03-01 15:24, Pgold <pgoldone at> wrote:
> I tried to compile the FreeBSD 6.0 kernle, but /usr ran out of space.
> What can I do?
> Now I can't even start X, so, what files should I remove(already
> removed /usr/obj)?

Please be more specific about the *EXACT* steps you used to rebuild the
kernel.  Then we may have a better idea where the free space has gone.

Or you can try to find out yourself.  As root try:

    # cd /usr
    # du -sk *

Then when you find the /usr subdirectory that uses most of the free
space, you can descend one level deeper and repeat ``du -sk *'' until
you find out what parts of /usr take up most of its space.

- Giorgos

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