dual boot; Linux, FreeBSD

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jun 11 14:29:31 UTC 2006

On 2006-06-10 22:44, Jerry McAllister <jerrymc at clunix.cl.msu.edu> wrote:
> > ---- much excised ---
> > > Anyway, this all works just fine.  The MBR and initial boot
> > > record in the boot sector of each slice (or primary
> > > partition if you must degrade to MS terminology) have just
> > > enough standardization that the FreeBSD MBR or most any of
> > > the other more fancy ones, can initiate the boot for any of
> > > the OS-en commonly available to run on these machines.
> > > Since the OS specific stuff really comes after it gets in
> > > to the slice boot record code in the boot sector, then
> > > generally any of them can boot any of them.  The exception
> > > is MS MBRs.  I have heard that some more recent ones play
> > > better, but any I have had so far will not boot any slice
> > > except one for a MS OS.   I don't know what they screw up,
> > > but find it not surprising.
> > >
> > > So, there is the tome.
> > > All newbies, careful what you ask.  Someone may answer
> > > thusly with more than you every wanted to know.
> >
> > Maybe this ought to be included in the handbook. I've seen
> > this question or one like it 100's of times on these lists.
> > That was the best answer I've seen.
> > Just my $.02
> Thanks for the positive comment.
> It glosses over stuff a little and isn't precisely correct in
> all detail, but I think it generally is correct and represents
> the way things work for all practical matters.
> Maybe it can be a FAQ.   How do they get there?

Hi Jerry,

Can you check if we can massage it a bit and then make it a part of:

I can do the integration with the current book text, SGMLify your text,
and commit the resulting changes with a little help from you :)

- Giorgos

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