Can I Make my own CD ROM bootable from this ftp server:

Jerry McAllister jerrymc at
Sat Jul 29 21:04:38 UTC 2006

> Dear FreeBSD
> Can I make my own bootable CD from FreeBSD, actually from the ftp 
> server: ?
> I really need it. I can't pay for your CD ROM so any help would be very 
> much appreciated.
> I'll download everything and put it on a CD and burn it under Nero as a 
> bootable CD.

Just download the CD ISO image and burn it.  
The image is already a bootable ISO so don't try to do
any conversions.  Just burn it and boot it.

I don't know Nero so I don't know what choices it offers.
But, generally you just want a plain burn plus fixate.


> Please Help ME
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