Reload commands

Andy Reitz reitz at
Fri Jul 21 22:07:01 UTC 2006

On Fri, 21 Jul 2006, Joshua Lewis wrote:

>    How do I tell my system to reload what ever folder has my commands? If
>    I install something from ports for instance cheetah (I am trying to
>    figure out how to read a web page without installing gnome or kde or
>    something) how do I execute the command. I don't know where it is. So
>    the only way I know is to reboot the system.

Hi Joshua,

I think the exact answer to your question depends on the shell that you
are using. For bash, I think you can just type 'rehash'. For tcsh, I think
if you re-source your .cshrc (or .tcshrc) file, then the cache will be

You could also try simply exiting your shell, and re-logging in. It is
very rare to need to reboot in UNIX.

Good luck,
	-Andy Reitz.

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