Ctrl+Alt+number terminal switching stopped working
parv at pair.com
Sun Jan 29 18:46:26 PST 2006
in message <200601282258.11962.no-spam at swiftdsl.com.au>, wrote Ian
Moore thusly...
> I've just noticed I can't switch from my X session back to the
> other vtty screens using Ctrl+Alt+1, Ctrl+Alt+2 etc. I can't seem
> to find any info on this - is it a known issue or is it just my
> system?
I can't say if "XkbDisable" would help in your case ...
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "DontZap" "false"
Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true"
# XFree86 4.[34].x - Add "DontVTSwitch" to be false (for console
# switching).
Option "DontVTSwitch" "false"
Option "HandleSpecialKeys" "Always"
# Xorg 6.8.(2|99.903) - Add "XkbDisable" to be true (for console
# switching).
Option "XkbDisable" "true"
... but try it.
- Parv
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