Dell 2950 & 1950

d.hill at d.hill at
Thu Dec 14 18:04:12 PST 2006

On Thu, 14 Dec 2006 17:40:57 -0800
  Jay Chandler <chandler at> wrote:
>Bill Moran wrote:
>> We get all our units with Dell's remote access card 
>>installed.  It
>> gives us the same kind of remote admin -- equivalent to 
>>being able to
>> hit the power button from the other side of the planet.
>Some of our servers have it, some of them don't-- I've 
>been here four months, and wasn't involved in prior 
>purchases.  If I had my druthers, we'd be on HP servers 
>instead (I'd also probably be able to get a good price on 
>Ebay for "druthers," but I digress), or IBM, or one of 
>several other more expensive options, but for now I'm 
>playing the hand I was dealt, serverwise.  On the plus 
>side, they're all starting out with a comfortable 4 gigs 
>of RAM.
>>> What advantages/disadvantages do you see with running 
>>>the 64 bit
>>> architecture?  I must confess, it never occured to me to 
>>>try that...
>>> I'm running the Dual Core Xeon processors, if that helps 
>> In our case, we're primarily concerned about RAM.  These 
>>units are starting
>> out with 4G, and we're monitoring them so we can add RAM 
>>when the usage
>> goes up.  amd64 is obviously going to be better 
>>supported going forward
>> than PAE.
>Right, PAE is sort of a blast from the past, and I'd much 
>sooner go to a new server than screw around with the 4gb 
>limit personally.  Is there any more work to maintaining 
>an amd64 install than "grab a different ISO when it's 
>time to install the box?"
>Also, will it work on the Xeon dual core?  I've always 
>been comfortably removed from the hardware level, and my 
>new responsibilities aren't quite familiar to me yet...

We just recently purchased a PowerEdge 6850 configured 
4x3.0ghz dual core zeon processors. The AMD64 ISO install 
used. Once the basic install was complete, I recompiled 
kernel with SMP. They are all showing up and operational.

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