jail & 127.0.0.x howto

Joe Holden joe at joeholden.co.uk
Tue Dec 5 10:57:14 PST 2006

vittorio wrote:
> Under freebsd 6.1 I set up an apache 2.0 server in a jail working on fxp0 
> and aliased as It works like a charme.
> Now while IP is a fixed IP address I've been assigned by my office 
> network administrator (it is also in the office DNS) the aliased IP address, 
>, is an abuse of mine just for the sake of trying if the jail 
> worked.
> Because I'm entitled to have  ** one** fixed IP only, I wonder how I can use 
> the 127.0.0.x adddresses to setup the jail for apache, as I found suggested, 
> better "hinted", googling. A step by step example would be very helpful.
> How to set up the jail using the internal addresses?
> Ciao
> Vittorio

You could redirect ports from the host to the internal jail loopback IP.


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