Corrupted C Compiler

Rachel Florentine rachel_florentine at
Tue Dec 5 05:41:19 PST 2006

----- Original Message ----
From: Josh Paetzel <josh at>

>That rebuilds the python C library interface stuff I believe, but 
>doesn't have anything at all to do with the system C compiler.  There 
>is nothing wrong with your system C compiler.

Well, that's a relief! Thanks!

>If you look at the Zope port there are a bunch of FreeBSD-specific 
>patches and some additional magic is performed after the build that 
>would also be FreeBSD-centric.  I suspect your problems perhaps stem 
>from the fact that installing Zope by hand doesn't give you these 

Okay. That makes sense :) Thanks again :)

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