(no subject)

Vizion vizion at vizion.occoxmail.com
Tue Aug 22 16:54:38 UTC 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org 
> [mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org] On Behalf Of Alex Zbyslaw
> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:47 AM
> To: Vizion
> Cc: freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: devices
> Vizion wrote:
> >As an experiment I disconnected ad0 and then rebooted from 
> the iso image to see what would be reported.
> >The installation menu reported
> >No disks found!
> >
> >
> >
> >Does anyone have a clue as to what might be going on here 
> and how I might be able to deal with  it?
> >  
> >
> It would appear that your disk controller is not supported by the 
> version of FreeBSD you are trying to run.  Have you checked 
> it against 
> the hardware compatibility list?
> You can find the controller by looking through /var/run/dmesg.boot - 
> with ad0 reconnected of course :-)
> You could try a -STABLE or -CURRENT CD to see if support has appeared 
> more recently than your release.
> I have previously reported an inability to get my amd Freebsd 
> > 6.1 system to recognize a drive and am wondering if it is 
> > because the relevant device node is not in /dev. having said 
> > that I am unsure of what I need to be looking for or how to 
> create it.
> Device nodes are created automatically when devices are 
> recognised.  If the device isn't recognised there is no point 
> trying to manually create device nodes - it won't help even 
> if you created them correctly.
> AFAIK, the only things worth creating in /dev these days are 
> symlimks, which can be done automatically using a devfs.conf rule like
> link    acd0    cdrom
> The days of MAKEDEV are over as its manpage testifies :-)

Thanks -- as I said in a rec ent posting it turned out to be solvable:


It turns out that the connections to the drives have to be connected in the preferential order by which the drives are listed in the cmos AND that includes correct choice for each sata bus. get any of them in the wrong sequence and freebsd does not recognize the drive as being present.


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