Showstopping FreeBSD 6.1 bug

Jeff Rollin jeff.rollin at
Mon Aug 21 13:09:02 UTC 2006

On 21/08/06, PATRICK CARTER <pcarter at> wrote:
> Jeff,
> I hate to state (or rather ask) the obvious but are you sure you selected
> the appropriate options to install the kernel?  One of the people were I
> work swore they had the exact same problem on an x86 they were installing on
> and it turned out that she was just forgetting to select an installation
> configuration that included the kernel.
> --Patrick


I selected the "standard installation" and then went on to install packages.
If the standard installation option doesn't include installing the kernel
(and as I found out later, installing X without installing the default
fonts) then I think that's a bug!


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