nforce audio problem

Greg 'groggy' Lehey grog at
Sun Aug 20 03:20:36 UTC 2006

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On Sunday, 20 August 2006 at  4:44:06 +0000, Brad Kowalczyk wrote:
> Hi,
> Just wondering if anyone has any experience getting sound working for an
> nforce1 motherboard?

Heh.  Just what I've been playing with right now.

> Seems I have the correct driver loaded and the device exists but no
> sound...

It would be good to say which one (kldstat output), but from below I
expect you'll have:

Id Refs Address    Size     Name
 6    1 0xc5577000 5000     snd_ich.ko
 7    1 0xc557c000 1d000    sound.ko

> Some info:
> # pciconf -vl
> <snip>
> none4 at pci0:5:0: class=0x040100 card=0x37301462 chip=0x01b010de rev=0xc2
> hdr=0x00
>    vendor   = 'NVIDIA Corporation'
>    device   = 'nForce MCP Audio Processing Unit (Dolby Digital)'
>    class    = multimedia
>    subclass = audio
> pcm0 at pci0:6:0:  class=0x040100 card=0x37301462 chip=0x01b110de rev=0xc2
> hdr=0x00
>    vendor   = 'NVIDIA Corporation'
>    device   = 'nForce MCP Audio Codec Interface'
>    class    = multimedia
>    subclass = audio

I have:

pcm0 at pci0:6:0:  class=0x040100 card=0x57001462 chip=0x006a10de rev=0xa1 hdr=0x00
    vendor   = 'NVIDIA Corporation'
    device   = 'nForce MCP-T Audio Codec Interface'
    class    = multimedia
    subclass = audio

I don't have the APU.

> # dmesg | grep pcm
> pcm0: <nVidia nForce> port 0xe400-0xe47f,0xe000-0xe0ff mem 0xdc180000-0xdc180fff irq 16 at device 6.0 on pci0
> pcm0: <Analog Devices AD1885 AC97 Codec>
> Interrupt storm detected on "irq16: pcm0 nv0++"; throttling interrupt source

pcm0: <nVidia nForce2> port 0xe400-0xe4ff,0xe800-0xe87f mem 0xe4000000-0xe4000fff irq 21 at device 6.0 on pci0
pcm0: <Avance Logic ALC655 AC97 Codec>

Looks pretty much the same, except that the chipset is slightly
different.  The important message is the last one: "Interrupt storm".
That's the problem; I don't have a real answer, but what version of
FreeBSD are you running?  It might also help if you can connect the
pcm device to a different IRQ from the nv device; but that depends on
your motherboard BIOS.

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