Reducing the timeout on a TCP connection

Philip Hallstrom freebsd at
Tue Aug 1 19:59:20 UTC 2006

> I'm writing some monitoring scripts, and I'm having some trouble because
> the TCP seems to wait 90 seconds before giving up on initiating a
> connection.
> (The script is in PHP, testing a PostgreSQL database.  Neither PHP nor
> libpq (which PHP's PostgreSQL support is based on) seem to have any
> settings that can be used to adjust this timeout).

Last parameter is a timeout value... I'd imagine the other socket calls 
have something similar... whether or not it's honored I dunno, but it is 

Although maybe i'm misunderstanding the question.

> If my memory of Stevens is correct, this is something that's set at the
> OS level.  It doesn't seem as if it's a configurable value, however.
> I guess I'm looking for confirmation on that point first.  If that's
> the case, then I'll have to adjust my approach based on that knowledge.
> If it can be adjusted, can it be adjusted on a per-connection basis?  I
> don't want to mess with timeouts on other sockets, _just_ this one
> monitoring script.
> And of course, the final question: how would I adjust this setting if
> it's possible?  If it's a sysctl, I'm missing it ...
> Suggestions?
> -- 
> Bill Moran
> Collaborative Fusion Inc.
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