Stale dependency question

Norberto Meijome freebsd at
Tue Sep 13 17:17:11 PDT 2005

Mark Bucciarelli wrote:

>         php5-mysql-5.0.4_2 -> php5-5.0.4_2 (lang/php).
> We have php5-cgi-5.0.4_2 installed, not php5-5.0.4_2.  So ...
>     1. Portversion tells me that php5-cgi needs upgrading--will doing a
>        portupgrade on php5-cgi fix this stale dependency?

you wont be able to upgrade until you fix the dependency issues

>     2. Or should I replace the php5 dependency with the php5-cgi when
>        running pkgdb -F?

yes - you are basically telling the pkg manager that php5-mysql should 
depend on php5-cgi (which is the incantation of php5 you use) instead of 
php5 .

> Where can I view a list of a port's dependencies? I tried poking
> around the ports directories to figure out the dependencies, but
> /usr/ports/databases/php5-mysql just has a Makefile which points to
> ../../lang/php5 as the MASTERDIR. Likewise, /usr/ports/www/php5-cgi just
> has a Makefile that points to lang/php5.

pkg_info -rR {pkg} will list the ports (for something installed)

a dirty way to do it would be to do
cd {port_1 dir}; make clean

as this does a clean on other ports your port_1 depends on. dont thin 
there's an easy way to see what may depend on port_1 if you havent got 
port_1 installed.

> This is inside a jail, with /usr/ports mounted nullfs from the jails
> container. In the container, I did a cvsup and portsdb -Uu. Then in the
> jail, I do pkgdb -F.

should work as outside the jail - works here in a couple servers with 
several jails in the same way.

> Let's see, the only other thing that might be relevant is that as part
> of the original php5-cgi install, I renamed and moved the php binary
> to a different place. Then, when pear needed the php binary, we make
> a symlink from the moved and renamed binary back to the where pear
> expected it.

AFAIK, dependencies are calculated on what packages you have installed, 
not on the files themselves - i could be wrong though.


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