Many same errors on build App from stable ports

Huajian.Luo Huajian.Luo at Sun.COM
Wed Nov 30 02:56:52 GMT 2005

Kris Kennaway wrote:
> >  uniq > .libs/libglade-2.0.exp
> > eval: 1: Syntax error: "|" unexpected
> Try reinstalling your libtool port(s).

After I re-installed the devel/libtool15, everything works great.

> If you already had a ports tree in /usr/ports then you need to remove
> it first.  In general this is a bad way to upgrade your ports tree;
> use cvsup or portsnap instead.

I'd like to do that, but Since I'm crrent behind a firewall and w/ a small /var partition
I just can fetch the ports manually, and I'll enlarge the /var and use portsnap later.

Thanks you so much , Kris


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